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    If you have found a log cabin on our website that you like but maybe it is not the right size for you. Maybe you want to enlarge its veranda, add more windows, change the position of the door or any other thing so that the log cabin fits best in your yard. Contact us with any questions and we will be happy to design a courtyard building that is just right for you.

    Tell us your wishes first, after which we will make a non-binding offer. After that, you can decide if you want to place an order.

    The price of a yard building ordered as a custom order includes new floor plans and changes, if such are necessary. We can usually deliver the plans and floor plans to the customer within two weeks of the order. The production of the custom-made courtyard building only begins after you are satisfied with the offer and we have received your accepted offer.

    Making custom-made log cabins and yard buildings is slightly more expensive than making standard garden buildings. Even so, it is still very affordable, only about 15-20% more expensive than standard log cabins and yard buildings.

    When you order a custom-made yard fence, garden shed, wooden storage building or any other garden building, note that the delivery time is then 2-4 weeks longer than the delivery of a standard yard building.

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